An Age Old Question, Still Unanswered And Cheaters Failuires.

I would absolutely be thrilled if a question or two about human behavior could be answered. It seems there are a few questions out there that to this very day, nobody seems to have a logical answer for. For example, why do women choose men who treat them badly? When they have a choice between a good man who will put her first, and make her his world, or a guy that really does not care and will disrespect them at every turn. Another one, why cheat? When you can end the relationship you are currently in, and then start wild sex games with another? Why not make it easier for everyone, and less heartbreaking? One that really gets me is- Why stay in a relationship with someone you don't really respect and like? These questions all have toxic written all over them. I still don't understand why people do the things they do in relationships, and I don't believe I have ever gotten a clear answer on any of them that make sense. So, please feel free to comment and school me if you be...