An Age Old Question, Still Unanswered And Cheaters Failuires.

I would absolutely be thrilled if a question or two about human behavior could be answered. It seems there are a few questions out there that to this very day, nobody seems to have a logical answer for.  For example, why do women choose men who treat them badly? When they have a choice between a good man who will put her first, and make her his world, or a guy that really does not care and will disrespect them at every turn. Another one, why cheat? When you can end the relationship you are currently in, and then start wild sex games with another? Why not make it easier for everyone, and less heartbreaking? One that really gets me is- Why stay in a relationship with someone you don't really respect and like?

These questions all have toxic written all over them. I still don't understand why people do the things they do in relationships, and I don't believe I have ever gotten a clear answer on any of them that make sense. So, please feel free to comment and school me if you believe you know the answer to any of these questions. I will post it everywhere for all women and men to know the answer to some of the age-old questions that plague us.

I am supposed to know these, right? Well, call it good research. Give me some answers please, I will read anything you got to try and make sense of some of the shitty relationship tactics people have. Let us know at

Personally, I am sick of having this conversation. So let's see is there anyone out there that has the narcissistic personality type, and chooses to cheat when they are in a relationship that would like to spill the beans? I promise you there will be no stones thrown at you, or judgment cast your way. Just tell us what exactly causes this behavior? Why cheat when you are in a relationship with someone? Why claim to be single when you are in fact not and you have a family? 

I had an ex who actually started not coming home at night. I was wondering where he could possibly be and what he could be doing. He had another piece of property and he told me he had been there, but since there was not really any shelter or bathroom to speak of I found it a little sketchy. I go and investigate. I stop at my friend's house which is next to his piece of property.  This is an ultimate dumb-ass cheater fail. He brought his new girlfriend to our friend's house claiming she was his new business manager. The dude didn't even own a business. I left my friends and immediately drove over to his property, and sure enough, he and his new "business manager" were outside talking "business." The funny thing is when he tries to recant the story he acts like there was never anything going on. Even though he was spending nights at her house, and had to actually break up with her, he made a video that I found in his google photos of the day he went to gather all his things from her house. He was clearly upset at the fact he was getting his things and not able to spend his nights in between her anymore. BUT according to him he never cheated on me. LOL

Do you have a cheater fail story? You can anonymously share it with us by 

e-mailing at

  • Jenny had a story she sent in about the cheater's failure. Her guy invited the neighbor girl over that he was always drooling over to do affiliate marketing he said. While Jenny was laying down in the living room he had the neighbor girl over to spank her ass in the bedroom. She let it go on to see how low his level of respect was. Then told him she knew and he was a prick.

  •  Amy said her boyfriend brought home a friend of theirs one day to just move in or stay with them without even telling her, and then as soon as Amy felt she was not wanted, the friend moved right into the bedroom where he helped her detox from heroin in their bed. Yeah, Amy, he sounds like a loser. I wouldn't want to stick around for that either.

  •    Jennifer tells us that her boyfriend fell falling for the town slut who slept with literally every person she came into contact with. He fell for it hook, line, and sinker also being one of the million guys who slept with the girl. Dang Jennifer.

  • The last one on this post was Shelly who told the story of her boyfriend actually bringing a girl he claimed was his "best friend" and the neighbor to their house cheating while she was home. OOOhHH Shelly that is brutal and we are truly sorry that he did that to you, and we will call that one fail as well.

Share your cheater fail stories with us, or how you handled your cheating ex when you found out by emailing us at

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