The Commandments Of Dating

"Save a boyfriend for a rainy day - and another, in case it doesn't rain." Mae West

We have all been nervous before a date. Especially a date that is made on an app., and you have yet to meet this person face-to-face, but have gotten comfortable with your texting conversation. Not actually speaking to them. With the ability to type out so many of our personal interactions with others it becomes a strain to actually talk with another face-to-face. Nerve wracking. Will have you putting doubt in your own head before you even get out of the gate. DON'T LET THAT HAPPEN.
First, know that you are a charismatic person, fun and hilarious to be around. You could turn any old boring party into a raving sensation that everyone will talk about for years to come it was so epic. Okay, maybe your not that fantastico, but we are trying to get that confidence pumped up here. 

Low self-esteem and confidence shows and leads others to have the same thoughts about you. So, let's have our heads held high. Tuck in our shirts, match our socks, not wear the underwear with holes in it, and present ourselves proudly. 

Now here is a list of dating commandments to follow that we all must know if your hoping for a call and a second date. After the second date your good ,and don't have to watch all of your P's and Q's.

 Think of this as a basic guideline to follow. Not of all the important things, but most of them. We can't include everything or we would be here all day, and we expect you to know some of this yourself or your just not dating material. In that case we can't cheat ,and give you all the answers,and still feel okay about putting you in the dating game when you had no business being there. 

So, if your in fear of totally screwing up ,and it has been awhile since you have had to mind your manners here is a little help to get off and running. 

  • Don't call them more than twice after a date. If they have not answered yet, they are not going to. 
  • Never order the most expensive thing on the menu to test their income ability, or see if they can handle you spending all their dough. It's not classy, just don't do it.
  • Don't ask awkward questions like "why don't you have children?"
  • Always open the door for them. 
  • Respect that you both will have different and opposing opinions.
  • Don't interrupt others when they are speaking.
  • Remember to use all of your manners i.e. thank you, excuse me, pardon, your welcome, ect.
  • Give the other person a heartfelt compliment. Nothing generic like "nice outfit" or "you look amazing."
"You have beautiful 👀😳 eye's", or "a genuine ☺️👱‍♀️smile." Will do.
  • Praise publicly and criticize privately. That means flaunt their attributes and keep your thoughts to yourself about the rest of your dating.
  • Never comment on weight, age, or their income. 
  • If they are talking to you don't stare at your phone. In fact keep it put away the entire date. 
  • Show up with a flower.
  • Don't solicit your advice.
  • Don't talk about yourself non-stop. Ask questions about themselves. 
  • Don't brag.
  • Don't get handsy or touchy feelie on them. 
  • Don't drink excessively or get wasted.
  • Don't try to stay the night or get fresh even if you feel the invite- don't. Just don't!
  • Once again stay off your phone. 
There you have it the small, yet rememberable list of things to remember that will get you that second date, even if you screw up everything else. Try to remember your manners,and be polite, and you should just have a good time. 

Try to be yourself so your not selling a false representation of who you are. They will know you better than you know yourself in the long run, and it's a waste of time faking things you are not. Just relax and be you. Having a bit of humor or making the other person feel at ease with laughter always gives you points. 

Follow the commandments and viola to a match made in heaven. 


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