The Truthful Advice You Really Need.

Relationship advice is a tricky thing. We all have a friend that loves to give unasked for advice, and tell us the pet peeves they have with our relationship. It can actually be downright annoying, and hurtful. When you are actually seeking out advice, it can be hard to find the answers your looking for. Especially if it is more of a definitive answer like " is my relationship healthy or unhealthy?"

You don't want the go to advice you get from those passive friends either like " don't go to bed angry."

Does this sound like something you have gone through or a struggle for someone you know? I found when answering relationship questions on Quora, that alot of individuals struggle with even asking the questions they face. Why? Because their relationship questions couldn't be answered on Cosmo magazine and didn't fit the cookie cutter fighting senerios. When they were seeing article titles like "How Not To Go To Bed Angry." Yet, they are facing situations like "how to not have him walk out mad and leave you alone all night." Cue, the jaw dropping awe in surprise from the ladies who wonder why anyone would put up with that or allow that boundary to be crossed. The judgement begins.

I completely understand the hesitation on interaction with Cosmo, and wondering where to turn because the truth is there are a lot of male and females alike that don't have perfect self-esteem or are working on that area.They are in a relationship with someone they love. Call it what you will, but if they say love, I take it as love. I cannot tell another human what they feel is or is not love. They tell me their version of love, and I take it as that. The fact I'm getting at is there is no quiz on the perfect boyfriend match coming up for you. You are currently dealing with, are in, or have been in a less than healthy relationship.

This is okay. There is hope for you too. You are just not going to find it in Cosmopolitan Magazine. Healing and finding ways to heal is the only way to find someone who is not similar to the unhealthy person. It is refreshing to find others though who have also been in this situation. When I started my blog on Quora I was shocked at how many women and men where in very unhealthy relationships. I found and still talk to some very close friends made on that site. All of them dealing with very sticky relationship issues.

My point being I am hoping for Morethanyousee33 to be more of an interactive blog to share your relationship experience with. I wanted a branch off of my Quora blog because it had grown so huge with over 4.8k followers. I wanted more options on helping my readers. Not having to follow the rules set out by Quora. Don't get me wrong Quora is an awesome platform. I wouldn't be where I am in my writing,or helping others if I had not found my place with Quora. 

So this is the place where you can find stories that will match something you have gone through. Where you can share your story and not be embarrassed or ashamed of anything. You will not be judged. That is held somewhere for the simple-minded.

We simply want to be innovative and find a way forward. I had so many readers share their stories either by private message or for all the followers to read, but advice was given without judgement. I promise you the minute you judge another woman and say " that will never be me " you will find yourself experiencing something similar to the struggle you once judged.

If your issues for more of the topic of fighting because he wants a threesome. A fight got out of hand and some furniture got broken. You can share your story here, you can look for refuge and advice here.

Keep reading the blog, subscribe to be a follower, or e-mail your thoughts, and stories to us so we can help uncover what your needs are. We are all more than faces covered with make -up. We are more than a story or a rumor. Here we are so much more than people see, and that is recognized.
🙏 Thanks for reading and being a part of the blog .


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