How To Overcome Your Fear

I recently heard someone describe fear as False Evidence Appearing Real. As if we have chosen to believe in something that is not true. If we believe it then it is in our reality, right? Which brings me worry. This is nothing more than Sustained fear caused by indecision. Or False Evidence Appearing Real if you follow.

Most people have not achieved their goals or the success they desire because of some built-in excuse, or negative belief they have that keeps them from moving forward. It is that same negative belief that is holding them back. This built-in belief gives them the fear or worry that ends their dreams and goals before they even began. Has this happened to you? Many of us have experienced this once or twice in our lifetime. Some of us still suffer from this fear and worry.

How many times have you attempted something new, and stopped before you even got started? Was this because you were afraid of what other people might think? Or is it that you don't think you have the time or money? Maybe you think you are inexperienced or don't have the knowledge you need to succeed.

Sometimes we have to ask ourselves some tough questions to determine the cause of these worries or fears. If you want to one day move forward, or one day achieve one of these goals you have to learn how to get over this fear. Once the fear is identified, a simple formula can be used to overcome that fear. So if you are ready to start achieving these goals follow me.

First-You need to clarify or define them clearly by putting them on paper. What once seemed big in your mind will look small and insignificant on paper. There is also something about putting pen to paper and leaving your thoughts that help us get a more clear understanding of what exactly we are looking at.

Second-Ask yourself what is the worst possible thing that can happen if this fear or worry becomes true? Take some time to think about this. When you start thinking about setting this goal again, and the fear creeps up. What does it look like? How bad can it get? What is the worst possible scenario you could be facing if trying to achieve this goal? Once again when it is on paper. It becomes more of a planned activity than just a thought-up activity. So write it all out, and include the details. This is important. Your dreams lay in the bow.

Make a list. Write it down on paper. Directly under your defined worry. Write down everything you can find and think of until the worst possible worry is out. Keep writing things down until you come up with the worst possible outcome.

Now, do you know that 90% of what we worry about never happens?
Look at your list now and see that most of this stuff you spend your time worrying about. Will never actually happen. You will not face this as a hurdle to overcome. You will never have to deal with this actual fear.

Once you are done with your list. You need to resolve in your mind that things will most likely never happen. Since 90% of them do not occur, and the other 10% will surely not kill you. Understand you will survive. Accept the worst possible thing that can happen by looking at it written down and telling yourself you can handle it. Tell yourself this over and over again. This mantra will start to turn things around for you. This is our goal right now, correct? To be able to make our goals and overcome the fear that defeats us before we get started.

Last-You can start to make sure the worst will not ever happen. Put together an action plan of exactly what you need to do to turn things around by focusing on positive changes, and knowing exactly how you will implement your action plan. If you are prepared for the worst possible scenario in the event the 90, and 10 % don't rule it out for you. You will be ready to attack this fear and stop it before it starts. Instead of it stopping you. You will have gone over the worst thing stopping you from moving forward and made a plan to defeat it in the event you have to face it. So in your mind, you have already won. Your focus will shift to the positive outcomes and away from your fears. You will start to feel better and more successful. Now you can DO SOMETHING.

Once you make your list you will see how much time you spend worrying about stuff that will never happen. Positive action is the only cure for fear and worry. Try this formula today and see if it will work for you. It has worked for me numerous times over. Once you are able to set this goal again. Then what? Are you able to even set good goals? Do you know the process of setting and achieving the goals you would like to pursue? If this formula is successful for you, then go to and get my book on goal badassery. This book will teach you how to become a badass at reaching your goals. follow this link to get your copy This book is the ultimate guide on setting and reaching your goals. I put a lot of thought and time into writing this so everyone had a formula that was successful when going after their goals. There is nothing more rewarding than achieving the goal you have set and worked on for so long. So, I wish all of my readers the best in their goals. They are defiantly attainable with the right approach. Everyone deserves the happiness of knowing how to maintain that.

Let us know how the formula worked for you in the comments.


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