How To Cultivate 💕 Love Into Your Relationships

Do you see the value in the bonds you create with others? If you take the time when you are choosing the people you want to create a bond with there can be great power in the bonds you make and the people you surround yourself with. "Misery loves company", so they say. Well, this is true by the standard of surrounding yourself with negative people will make you a negative person. It is true. That energy eventually rubs off on you and find yourself swimming in the negative thoughts and emotions also. 🤔☹️. You can choose to prioritize love over everything you do. Just like the negative people prioritize negative. If you come to the understanding that love is an energy. You can pour this over every thing you do. You then raise the energy and vibration of those around you. Rubbing off on them per say. You are spreading that love and creating an infectious energy to surround yourself with. You have to make the most of the connections you make with others. If you put your time an...