An Important Lesson For Your Future

At some point in most everyones life they come to a fork in the road, or a stale halt to their living, that they feel they must change. For the greater good of their selves and their life.I have found myself at this stale juncture where it feels like I am walking forward but an escalator is constantly taking me backwards.So what are we to do when caught at this crossroads in our life? As we grow older, we are faced with a series of crossroads in our lives. Much like the place I have recently found myself. They are also an opportunity to find a meaningful purpose in life.At each crossroad, we are faced with a choice. The decisions we make at crossroads are often the most important ones we make in our lives. It can be an opportunity to find meaningful purpose,or I could choose to stay with the comfort of what I know,and the security of knowing what is to come. The choice I make will determine the path my life takes. Let's talk about the different crossroads we may face i...